When does the suffering end?

Do you often feel your emotions and negative thinking get the best of you? As if you have lost all control over a situation because of what’s in your mind? When something you had planned, doesn’t fall through; are you feeling overwhelmed? Panicked even? What if I could help you with that? Giving you solutions and tips to help let all of the negative thoughts become back round noise?

I too, struggled with letting my true-self over come my thoughts and emotions. During fall and winter; I would feel myself spiraling into this state of depression. I would wake up, exhausted. Wanting to sleep all day, no motivation to do not one thing. Sometimes there’s one thing that just picks us up, and we realize what we NEED to do. My son, was the reason behind my epiphany of perceiving the fact I needed to get my life together. Although we KNOW, at times it’s still hard to get that push. Even when you are sensing a state of depression; the things we once loved, become harder to do. So we think.

You see as humans we constantly let our negative thoughts (which turns into negative energy) control our lives. We are not born with the knowledge to separate a feeling and a thought. I have learned that we are always looking forward to something. Or we are quick to judge a present situation on the past or what we wish for the future. It’s not very often that we embrace and accept today for what it is. For instance, if you have been hurt by a past lover ( or maybe even a family member possibly even a friend) we struggle with letting someone new in, based on the past. It is so very common to allow our feelings get the best of us. Making it easier to give us the feeling of depression. I have gained much knowledge from reading the book ” The Power of Now” written by Eckhart Tolle. I encourage you all to look into it. It is about spiritual awakenings. This is how I learned to live each day, for what it is. To accept each day as a new, forgiving my past hurts, and accepting that everything has a purpose behind happening. Letting life happen as it is supposed to. Allowing thoughts, to be just thoughts. Accepting feelings, knowing they are temporary and feeling them but trying to not let them take over my body. As Buddha would say ” The mind is everything, What you think you become. ”

So, when does the suffering end you ask? Buddha worded it as this: ” The end of suffering, it only tells you what enlightenment is not: no suffering. But what’s left when there is no suffering?” He gives a simple definition, for us to figure out on our own.

Of course, like all things it isn’t always easy being positive. I slip up, but on my journey through it all I continue to remind myself of what I have learned. This blog is my journey of my highs and lows not just my mental health; but learning to stay fit physically. I hope you enjoy, following along. My goal is to reach out to at least one person, to help relate, and help teach others grow.

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